Following the success of ISGUS Time Recorders back in the 1960’s – 70’s in South Africa, at the time achieving a consi-
derable market share e.g. in the mining industry, the ISGUS success story in South Africa continues with the arrival of
CSX as their distribution partner.
CSX Customer Services (Pty) Ltd with headquarters in
Johannesburg and branches in Cape Town, KwaZulu
Natal, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein and Windhoek, Na-
mibia, specializes in the supply, installation and support
of business solutions in various niche markets.
Initial contacts between CSX and ISGUS were made
at CeBIT 2013, followed by mutual visits which lead to
an ISGUS distribution agreement for South Africa and
neighboring countries.
CSX accordingly built up their ZEUS® 3 “know-how”, and
successfully implemented some major ZEUS® 3 custo-
mers since, relying on the integrated ISGUS solutions for
Time & Attendance and Access Control.
As a logical next step, ZEUS® X has now been released
for sale in South Africa, training has already been accom-
plished for the Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban
sales teams in Q1, followed by comprehensive technical
With their knowledgeable and well-trained staff, their
preference for high quality brands and their commitment
for first class consultancy, services and after sales sup-
port, CSX has proven being the right choice for ISGUS to
tie in with the formerly excellent ISGUS business on the
South African market.
Participants from sales & support were attending the recently held
ZEUS® X training at the CSX headquarters in Johannesburg.
The CSX team attending the Cape
Town ZEUS® X Training
Vaughan Herrington (Technical Support),
Julian Simpson (Sales), Minny Duarte
(National Technical Manager) and Andrew
Montgomery (ISGUS Product Manager &
Sales), f.l.t.r.